Six One Five & Soles4Souls

We are excited to partner with Nashville-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization Soles4Souls to provide shoes to people in need, as well as funding to bolster additional educational and economic opportunities.

 Fans of Six One Five Collective will be able to donate their gently used shoes at the following upcoming shows:

Nov 9th - Reinhardt University - Falany Performing Arts Center: Waleska, GA, 7:30pm

Nov 11th - Sylvia Beard Theatre - Buford Community Center: Buford GA, 8:00pm 

There will be Soles4Souls collection boxes near the stage at each show, as well as a QR code available for convenient scanning (which will allow people to easily make monetary donations). Every dollar donated creates educational and economic opportunities!

Ways to Give:

  • Donate your gently used shoes at upcoming show

  • Give to our online fundraiser

  • Fill out the Soles 4 Souls donation form

About Soles4Souls

Soles4Souls turns unwanted shoes and clothing into opportunity by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use: providing relief, creating jobs and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty. Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, the organization repurposes product to supply its micro-enterprise, disaster relief, and direct assistance programs. With locations and warehouses across three continents, Soles4Souls has been able to distribute more than 83 million pairs of shoes and pieces of clothing in 129 countries since 2006. Visit for more information.